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Hello Birmingham! New clinic now open at 86 Hagley Road
Hello Birmingham! New clinic now open at 86 Hagley Road


Hello! My name is Jamila Quaye and I am a senior biomedical scientist with a specialism in haematology, here at One Day Tests laboratory.

Prolactin - description and reference ranges

What is it?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is what controls and causes the development and growth of breasts, as well as production of milk after giving birth. Prolactin levels are usually high for pregnant women and new mothers. Levels are usually low for nonpregnant women and for men.

Reference ranges

If your indicative prolactine concentration is lower than the reference range for our laboratory:

There are no general clinical conditions associated with low levels of prolactine.

You can discuss this result with your GP.

If your indicative prolactin concentration level is higher than the reference range for our laboratory:

Excess levels of prolactine can cause a number of issues, such as presence of breast milk (in non-preagnant/not breasfeeding females), severe headaches, irregular periods and premature menopause, as well as infertility.

Please discuss this result with your GP.

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