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Hello Birmingham! New clinic now open at 86 Hagley Road
Hello Birmingham! New clinic now open at 86 Hagley Road


Hello! My name is Jamila Quaye and I am a senior biomedical scientist with a specialism in haematology, here at One Day Tests laboratory.

eGFR - description and reference ranges

What is it?

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) is a measure of kidneys function, i.e. how well your kidneys are working. It is a calculation/estimation, based on a test of a biomarker called creatinine and your age, sex, body type and ethnic background/race.

eGFR is deemed a fairly reliable estimation for the level of general kidney function, but like any estimation, it does not work well at the extremes of ranges. For example, if you are severely overweight or a bodybuilder/very muscular, as well as preagnant or a child. But it is an excellent starting point.

Reference ranges

If your indicative eGFR calculation is lower than the reference range for our laboratory:

If your eGFR number is low, your kidneys may not be working as well as they should. People with a lower eGFR are at increased risk of having a kidney disease.

Please discuss this result with your GP.

If your indicative triglycerides level is higher than the reference range for our laboratory:

Usually the higher the eGFR - the better. It means your kidneys are functioning well.

Please discuss this result with your GP if you have conserns or other symptoms.

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