We combine urine and PCR testing for this investigation, so you might have to give a swab sample in addition to the urine.
The swab is from the genital area, so f you have any visible sores, lesions, or discharge from the genital area, a swab from the affected site can help diagnose infections like Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomonas vaginalis or Mycoplasma genitalium.
Please follow the instructions on how to do that carefully.
If you don't have those symptoms, you don't have to supply a swab sample, just disregard in the household waste disposal.
Red flag symptoms for the STI Urine and Swab Test
Even if your results are normal, please contact your GP is you have any persistent symptoms of any kind, particularly pain or discharge.
Your Results and Health Dashboard
The results of your STI Urine and Swab Test will be emailed to you as a secured PDF file, ready for your GP and will also be uploaded to our Health Dashboard area of the website. It’s a unique and powerful tool, powered by our in-house clinical analysis research, to match your biomarkers across test panels and symptoms, as well as provide clinical commentary on all individual biomarkers you tested for.
The health dashboard will also provide "panel level" commentary - a birds eye view of the biomarkers that were tested. This feature allows you to view your test results and clinical commentary, and compare them to previous results, giving you a clear understanding of how your health is progressing.
By using the Health Dashboard, you can identify changes in your biomarkers and make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle. This added value is immense, as it empowers you to monitor your health and make informed decisions about your well-being.
It's free and is available with all of our tests.