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Hello Merseyside! Liverpool clinic is now open and joins our nationwide network.
Hello Merseyside! Liverpool clinic is now open and joins our nationwide network.

Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test

Original price £390.00 - Original price £390.00
Original price
£390.00 - £390.00
Current price £390.00

This is truly the best way to start your allergy diagnosis and treatment journey. A full allergy MOT for the body.

  • Biomarkers: 295
  • Estimated turnaround: 4 days

Simple and accurate blood test from a laboratory you can speak to.



£29.00 is the fee for our nurse to take blood from your vein, in our clinic.

  • No waiting. Same or next working day appointment - book your date and time during checkout.
  • Rapid results - samples go straight to our laboratory.
  • Our own nationwide clinics and full time nurses. 

About the allergy test 

This is truly the best way to start your allergy diagnosis and treatment journey.

For people with multiple allergen sensitivities or those experiencing unclear clinical symptoms, the traditional method of determining individual allergens can be both costly and time-consuming. In such situations, a comprehensive allergen screening provides a clear understanding of the patient's sensitisation profile and serves as a potent tool for accurate diagnosis and preventing exposure to allergens.

The identification of allergen-specific IgE antibodies in the blood serum plays a critical role in diagnosing type 1 allergies and this test allows simultaneous testing of 295 common allergens, giving you a clear baseline for further exploration of specific allergens. Allergy testing is often a "stab in the dark" and this test allows you to avoid that entirely.

The ALEX® Allergy Explorer offers the unique capability to simultaneously measure total IgE and specific IgE levels against nearly 300 different allergens, including 120 extracts and up to 180 allergen components. This comprehensive test covers an impressive 99% of all potential type 1 allergen sources and requires just a minimal blood sample. 

295 Biomarkers


    - Acacia
    - Alder (Aln g 1 PR-10 protein)
    - Alder (Aln g 4 Polcalcin)
    - Arizona cypress (nCup a 1 Pectate lyase)
    - Ash
    - Ash (rFra e 1 Ole e 1-family)
    - Beech (rFag s 1 PR-10 protein)
    - Birch (rBet v 1 PR-10 protein, rBet v 2 Profilin, rBet v 6 Isoflavon reductase)
    - Cypress
    - Date tree (nPho d 2 Profilin)
    - Elm
    - Hazel
    - Hazel (rCor a 1.0103 PR-10 protein)
    - Sugi (rCry j 1 Pectate Lyase)
    - Mountain cedar
    - Mulberry
    - Olive (nOle e 1 Ole e 1-family)
    - Olive (rOle e 9 1,3 β Glucanase)
    - Paper mulberry
    - Plane tree (rPla a 1 Plant invertase)
    - Plane tree (nPla a 2 Polygalacturonase)
    - Plane tree (rPla a 3 nsLTP)
    - Poplar
    - Tree of heaven
    - Walnut


    - Bahia grass
    - Bermuda grass
    - Bermuda grass rCyn d 1, Beta-expansin
    - Reed
    - Rye
    - Rye grass nLol p 1, Beta-expansin
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 1, Beta-expansin
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 2, Expansin
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 5.0101, Grass group 5/6
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 6, Grass group 5/6
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 7, Polcalcin
    - Timothy grass rPhl p 12, Profilin


    - Amarant
    - Buckhorn
    - Buckhorn rPla l, 1 Ole e 1-family
    - Herb mercury rMer a 1, Profilin
    - Hemp (CBD)
    - Hemp rCan s 3, nsLTP
    - Mugwort
    - Mugwort rArt v 1.0101, Plant defensin
    - Mugwort rArt v 3.0201, nsLTP
    - Ragweed
    - Ragweed rAmb a 1, Pectate lyase
    - Ragweed rAmb a 4, Plant defensin
    - Sorrel
    - Stinging nettle
    - Russian thistle
    - Russian thistle rSal k 1 Pectin Methylesterase
    - Wall pellitory
    - Wall pellitory rPar j 2, nsLTP
    - White goosefoot
    - White goosefoot rChe a 1 Ole e 1-family


    - Alternaria alternata rAlt a 1, Alt a 1-family
    - Alternaria alternata rAlt a 6, Enolase
    - Aspergillus fumigatus rAsp f 1, Mitogillin Family
    - Aspergillus fumigatus rAsp f 3, Peroxysomales protein
    - Aspergillus fumigatus rAsp f 4
    - Aspergillus fumigatus rAsp f 6, Mn superoxide dismutase
    - Cladosporium herbarum
    - Cladosporium herbarum rCla h 8, Short-chain dehydrogenase
    - Malassezia sympodialis rMala s 5
    - Malassezia sympodialis rMala s 6, Cyclophilin
    - Malassezia sympodialis rMala s 11, Mn superoxide dismutase
    - Penicillium chrysogenum


    - Acarus siro
    - Blatella germanica,rBla g 1, Cockroach group 1
    - Blatella germanica,rBla g 2, Aspartate protease
    - Blatella germanica,rBla g 4, Lipocalin
    - Blatella germanica,rBla g 5, Glutathione Stransferase
    - Blomia germanica,rBla g 9, Arginin Kinase
    - Blomia tropicalis,rBlo t 5, Mite, group 5
    - Blomia tropicalis,rBlo t 10, Tropomysin
    - Blomia tropicalis,rBlo t 21
    - Dermatophagoides farinae,rDer f 1, Cysteine protease
    - Dermatophagoides farinae,rDer f 2, NPC2 family
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 1, Cysteine protease
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 2, NPC2 family
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 5
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 7, Mite group 7
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 10, Tropomyosin
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 11, Myosin, heavy chain
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 20, Arginine Kinase
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 21
    - Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,rDer p 23, Chitinase, class III, peritrophin domain
    - Glycyphagus domesticus, rGly d 2, NPC2 family
    - Lepidoglyphus destructor rLep d 2, NPC2 family
    - Periplaneta americana
    - Periplaneta americana, rPer a 7, Tropomyosin 12
    - Tyrophagus putrescentiae
    - Tyrophagus putrescentiae, rTyr p 2, NPC2 family


    - Cat, rFel d 1, Uteroglobin
    - Cat, nFel d 2, Serum albumin
    - Cat, rFel d 4, Lipocalin
    - Cat, rFel d 7, Lipocalin
    - Cow, rBos d 2, Lipocalin
    - Dog, rCan f 1, Lipocalin
    - Dog, rCan f 2, Lipocalin
    - Dog, nCan f 3, Serum albumin
    - Dog, rCan f 4, Lipocalin
    - Dog, male urine (incl. Can f 5)
    - Dog, rCan f 6, Lipocalin
    - Dog, rCan f Fel d 1 like Uteroglobin
    - Goat
    - Guinea Pig, rCap c 1, Lipocalin
    - Djungarian hamster, rPhod s 1, Lipocalin
    - Horse, rEqu c 1, Lipocalin
    - Horse, rEqu c 3, Serum albumin
    - Horse, rEqu c 4, Latherin
    - Mouse, nMus m 1, Lipocalin
    - Pig
    - Rabbit, rOry c 1, Lipocalin
    - Rabbit, rOry c 2, Lipocalin
    - Rabbit, rOry c 3, Uteroglobin
    - Rat
    - Sheep


    - Common Wasp
    - Common Wasp, rVes v 1, Phospholipase A1
    - Common Wasp, rVes v 5, Antigen 5
    - Honey Bee
    - Honey Bee, n/r,Api m 1, Phospholipase A2
    - Honey Bee, rApi m 10, Icarapin variant 2
    - Fire ant
    - Long-headed wasp
    - Paper Wasp
    - Paper Wasp, rPol d 5, Antigen 5


    - Camel milk
    - Chicken egg white
    - Chicken egg white, nGal d 1, Ovomucoid
    - Chicken egg white, nGal d 2, Ovalbumin
    - Chicken egg white, nGal d 3, Ovotransferrin
    - Chicken egg white, nGal d 4, Lysozyme C
    - Chicken egg yolk
    - Chicken egg yolk, nGal d 5, Serum albumin 8
    - Cow milk
    - Cow milk, nBos d 4, a-Lactalbumin
    - Cow milk, nBos d 5, b-Lactalbumin
    - Cow milk, nBos d 8, Casein
    - Goat milk
    - Mare milk
    - Sheep milk

  9. FOOD - MEAT

    - Beef
    - Beef nBos d 6 Serum albumin 8
    - Chicken
    - Horse
    - House cricket
    - Lamb
    - Mealworm
    - Migratory locust
    - Pork
    - Pork rSus d 1 Serum albumin 8
    - Rabbit
    - Turkey


    - Anisakis simplex, rAni s 1, Kunitz serine protease inhibitor
    - Anisakis simplex, rAni s 3, Tropomyosin
    - Black Tiger Shrimp, nPen m 1, Tropomyosin
    - Black Tiger Shrimp, nPen m 2, Arginine Kinase
    - Black Tiger Shrimp, nPen m 3, Myosin light chain
    - Black Tiger Shrimp, rPen m 4, Sarcoplasmic Calcium Binding Protein
    - Brown Shrimp, rCra c 6, Troponin c
    - Blue mussel
    - Clam
    - Carp, rCyp c 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Crab
    - Cod
    - Cod, nGad m 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Cod, nGad m 2&3, β-Enolase & Aldolase
    - Coldwater prawn
    - Herring
    - Herring, rClu h 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Lobster
    - Mackerel
    - Mackerel, rSco s 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Oyster
    - Scallop
    - Salmon
    - Salmon, rSal s 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Shrimp mix
    - Squid
    - Swordfish, rXip g 1, β-Parvalbumin
    - Thornback ray
    - Thornback ray, rRaj c Parvalbumin, α-Parvalbumin
    - Tuna
    - Tuna, Thu a 1, β-Parvalbumin


    - Barley
    - Buckwheat
    - Buckwheat, nFag e 2, 2S albumin
    - Corn, grains
    - Corn, grains, rZea m 14, nsLTP
    - Fenugreek seeds
    - Lupin seed
    - Millet
    - Oat
    - Pumpkin seed
    - Poppy seed
    - Poppy seed, nPap s 2S, Albumin, 2S albumin
    - Quinoa
    - Rice
    - Rye, grains
    - Sesame
    - Sesame,nSes i 1,2S albumin
    - Spelt
    - Sunflower seeds
    - Wheat, rTri a 14, nsLTP
    - Wheat, rTri a 19, Omega-5-Gliadin
    - Wheat, nTri a aA_TI, Alpha-Amylase Trypsin-Inhibitor


    - Anise
    - Caraway
    - Mustard
    - Mustard, nSin a 1, 2S albumin
    - Oregano
    - Paprika
    - Parsley


    - Almond
    - Brazil nut
    - Brazil nut, nBer e 1, 2S albumin
    - Cashew nut
    - Cashew nut, rAna o 2, 11S globulin
    - Cashew nut, rAna o 3, 2S albumin
    - Chickpea
    - Green bean
    - Hazelnut, rCor a 1.0401, PR-10 protein
    - Hazelnut, rCor a 8, nsLTP
    - Hazelnut, nCor a 9, 11S globulin
    - Hazelnut, nCor a 11, 7/8S globulin
    - Hazelnut, nCor 14, 2S albumin
    - Lentil
    - Macadamia
    - Macadamia, nMac i 2, 2S albumin
    - Pea
    - Peanut, nAra h 1, 7/8S globulin - Peanut, rAra h 2, 2S albumin
    - Peanut, rAra h 3, 11S globulin
    - Peanut, nAra h 6, 2S albumin
    - Peanut, rAra h 8, PR-10 protein
    - Peanut, rAra h 9, nsLTP
    - Peanut, rAra h 15,Oleosin
    - Pecan
    - Pistachio, rPis v 1, 2S albumin
    - Pistachio, rPis v 2, 11S globulin, subunit
    - Pistachio, rPis v 3, 7/8S globulin
    - Soy bean, rGly m 4, PR-10 protein
    - Soy bean, rGly m 5, 7/8S globulin
    - Soy bean, nGly m 6, 11S globulin
    - Soy bean, nGly m 8, 2S albumin
    - Walnut, nJug r 1, 2S albumin
    - Walnut, nJug r 2, 7/8S globulin
    - Walnut, nJug r 3, nsLTP
    - Walnut, nJug r 4, 11S globulin
    - Walnut, nJug r 6, 7/8S globulin


    - Avocado
    - Carrot
    - Carrot, rDau c 1, PR-10 protein
    - Celery, rApi g 1, PR-10 protein
    - Celery, rApi g 2, nsLTP
    - Celery, rApi g 6, nsLTP
    - Garlic
    - Onion
    - Potato
    - Tomato
    - Tomato, nSola l 6, nsLTP


    - Apple, rMal d 1, PR-10 protein
    - Apple, rMal d 2, TLP
    - Apple, rMal d 3, nsLTP
    - Banana
    - Blueberry
    - Cherry
    - Fig
    - Grape, nVit v 1, nsLTP
    - Kiwi, nAct d 1, Cystein protease
    - Kiwi, nAct d 2, TLP
    - Kiwi, nAct d 5, Kiwellin
    - Kiwi, nAct d 10, nsLTP
    - Mango
    - Melon,rCuc m 2, Profilin
    - Orange
    - Papaya
    - Peach, rPru p 3, nsLTP
    - Pear
    - Strawberry, Fra a 1 + Fra a 3, PR-10 protein + nsLTP


    - Ficus benjamina
    - Latex, rHev b 1, Rubber elongation factor
    - Latex, rHev b 3, small rubber particle protein
    - Latex, rHev b 5
    - Latex, rHev b 6.02, Pro-hevein
    - Latex, rHev b 8, Profilin
    - Latex, rHev b 11, Class 1 chitinase
    - Pigeon tick, rArg r 1, Lipocalin
    - Baker yeast
    - Hom s Lactoferrin, rHom s LF, CCD


    We are extremely fast, with some results available within hours and others within a working day or less, from the time your sample is in our lab. However, this is not a guarantee and should not be taken as such. This is the guideline turnaround time that can be shorter or longer.


    We are extremely proud of our very short turnaround times and a very efficient laboratory processes, you will start receiving results as soon as they are available and have completed clinical validation.

    Whilst we accommodate the shortest of time scales, with some results available within hours, for this particular test the usual turnaround time is: 4 working days.


Hi, I am Dr. Adam Staten and here's my view on this test as a GP and Clinical Director at One Day Tests.

The ALEX® Allergy Explorer employs a quantitative solid-phase immunoassay methodology. In this process, specific IgE antibodies present in the patient's serum attach to the allergens (either extracts or components) situated on a microarray.

The introduction of a CCD-inhibitor serves to minimize non-specific reactions, thereby enhancing the test's specificity. To detect the presence of bound IgE antibodies, a colorimetric analysis is used, and hence the results of the test indicate the quantity of allergen-specific IgE, are reported quantitatively in units of kUA/l.

The higher the number - the more likely it is that an allergy is present to that product.

Red flag symptoms for the Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test

Even if your blood tests are normal, you should see a doctor if you have any of the symptoms below.

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Persistent fevers
  • Night sweats
  • Unexplained bone pain

Your Results and Health Dashboard

The results of your Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test will be emailed to you as a secured PDF file, ready for your GP and will also be uploaded to our Health Dashboard area of the website. It’s a unique and powerful tool, powered by our in-house clinical analysis research, to match your biomarkers across test panels and symptoms, as well as provide clinical commentary on all individual biomarkers you tested for.

The health dashboard will also provide "panel level" commentary - a birds eye view of the biomarkers that were tested. This feature allows you to view your test results and clinical commentary, and compare them to previous results, giving you a clear understanding of how your health is progressing.

By using the Health Dashboard, you can identify changes in your biomarkers and make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle. This added value is immense, as it empowers you to monitor your health and make informed decisions about your well-being.

It's free and is available with all of our tests.

Save on continuous monitoring with our subscription plan

The best way to look after your health is to do so regularly. This is easy to do with our continual monitoring plans which give you a discount on future blood tests. You choose the frequency and we'll do the rest.

When you purchase a subscription, we will deliver your home test kits or allow you to book appointments in line with your chosen frequency. You will be able to track your biomarkers over time in our powerful Health Dashboard, where results will be automatically updated for you. There is a minimum of 3 tests with any subscription, after which you can pause/restart/cancel at any time.


Hi, I am Stefania Brown, I am the Laboratory Manager at One Day Tests and here are the lab's special requests for the Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test.

There are no special instructions for this test. You don't have to stop taking antihistamines, as antihistamines shouldn't affect the results of this blood test, unlike skin prick tests.

Venepuncture appointment - how to prepare

If you are coming into one of our clinics for the test, this is what you need to do before you arrive:

  • Drink plenty of water about an hour before the appointment.
  • Avoid coffee/tea/energy drinks. Water is good!
  • That’s it! We’ll do the rest.

Home test kit for Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test - how it works

Our blood test kits are simple and convenient.

The most important step in doing a blood test at home is to read the instructions very carefully. The process is very simple, but there are a few pitfalls you need to be aware of - you will save yourself a lot of time if you do it right the first time around!

  • Full printed instructions will arrive with your kit - please read them carefully.
  • Drink plenty before taking the sample and warm your hands up in the sink with warm water for a few minutes. This will make your blood flow much better.
  • Fill the tubes to the top line. We don’t need much blood; filling tubes to the top line is about 15 drops of blood.
  • Post the samples on the same day you take them, before midday, Monday to Thursday. If you post it any other time it might get to us late or be stuck at a sorting office over the weekend. You will then have to do it again.
  • Package the sample in the same box the kit came in. Otherwise, Royal Mail or DPD will reject it. The sample tubes go into a pouch, then into a cardboard box, and then into a return envelope. All of this is provided in the kit: please use it.

We look forward to receiving your sample in our lab!

How the finger prick home blood test kit for Ultimate Allergy Screening (ALEX 2.0) Blood Test works - from Dr. Adam Staten

Follow our step by step instructions on how to take your sample quickly and easily using the blood sample collection finger prick test.


Hello! My name is Dr. Vinesh Mistry, I am part of the GP team here at One Day Tests and here is why you should trust us to test your blood.

We run our own regulated laboratories and our own accredited clinics. We manufacture our own approved home sample collection kits. Your results are looked after by our fantastic clinical governance team and our super-talented biomedical science team.

When you book your test with us - you book directly with the lab. This means accuracy and responsible duty of care, direct access to the provider and extremely fast turnaround times.

Finally, our customer services rock! You can ask the lab a question any time or you can speak to a real human. It's good to WhatsApp, email on or give us a call on 0127 309 2844.


Hi, I am Lana Nela, Lead Nurse, and here is what we are frequently asked about this test.

What is IgE allergy testing?

IgE allergy testing is a diagnostic method used to identify specific allergens that trigger allergic reactions in an individual. IgE (Immunoglobulin E) is an antibody produced by the immune system in response to allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or certain foods. IgE antibodies play a central role in allergic responses. 

Why is IgE allergy testing better than IgG

IgE allergy testing is often considered better than IgG testing for allergies in specific scenarios because it is better suited for diagnosing immediate-type or Type I hypersensitivity reactions, which are more common and can lead to severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.  


Hi, I am Nader Eldarf, I am a Biomedical Scientist in our laboratory and here is why it's important to take this test.
  • Allergies can be a complex thing and can heavily affect our day to day life. This is a quick and easy screening that can show you exactly what to avoid or what is causing your discomfort.


Hi, I am Sandeep Patel, I am the Laboratory Director at One Day Tests. Here are the symptoms that you may wish to address with this test.
  • Preparation of a complete allergy profiles for people with suspected multiple allergies or in cases with ambiguous reactions to allergens.
  • Differentiation between real allergy and cross-reactivity, in order to better assess the danger of anaphylactic reactions for suitable therapy planning.
  • If you suffer with multiple allergies this gives a comprehensive analysis regarding your individual sensitisation pattern, allowing detailed nutrition actions.
  • In order to dismiss allergy as the cause of your symptoms.

    Allergy, Pneumonia and Sinus and respiratory infections


Health monitoring is very important, you are in charge of your health - look after it.